
15th of May

today is my creator's

and co-creator's

wedding anniversary...
Normally, me and my family would be out to celebrate
this unison for if not for it, i wouldn't be frolicking
in this crazy odd world.

this night started with a feeling of depression. then an sms...
that went something like...
"i'm starting to get bored of this singapore life,
tonight, i need to be celebratin'...
and go bakin' and shakin' "

and then things started to fall
on the right place and on the right time.

the doodles on the walls invited me in...

a snugly green sofa and a homey ambiance
welcomed me in...

a one for one corona beer
[i know it's not smb light, but if it's cheap, it can be good]

with a slice of luscious lemon lingering on it's mouth
brought me a feeling reminiscent of my first kiss.

add a dj on the side, armed [as quoted by karla] with one of the best
vinyl record collections in town - funk, soul, jazz, and the like...
infused with electro, drum and bass, and house

...i think i reached my orgasm. heheh

the fact that there were not much people in this place
and that almost everything here screams "maskotero",
i dub thy place, my territory.

No place for shy maskotero here,
a quick flick of a finger, a he changes into his hellbaby costume.

i think i'm starting to feel the "shake",

so much for my costume, i need some air...
and some pens...

and some heineken paper coasters...

and a wall...

and now it's an orgy of "maskotero orgasm feelings"...

such a perfect night to what initially seemed to be the end of the world.
thanks to mobile phones...technology saves the night.

still i ventricle in my heart misses my family...

[1-jozé 2-renzo 3-ray 4-apol]

thank you...


carlo and mona...

jawo and karla...

for tonight,
you were my family.

let's party!

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